
No bees at 10,000 feet…..

 This beekeeper’s background: 
Within weeks after receiving an MSEE college degree, a low draft lottery number (36) meant one was quickly called for US Army service during our country’s Vietnam war era.  Years later, eventually returning to Naples to work as an electronics engineer for a local company.  Jumping before, during, and after the Army continued, being a USPA certified skydiving instructor-D4466, a licensed Senior Rigger, and a private pilot.
Accumulating nearly 2000 jumps, the above picture is a view high over Immokalee Airport, Florida as an instructor for skydiving first jump courses.  One of those first jump students became the love of my life for the rest of my days (the lady in the  American Gothic photoshopped picture on the NapleBees honey bottle label).  Later, in retired life, the beekeeping addiction began in early 2014 when everything got started with a single hive taking up residence where the current 20 plus hive apiary now resides. 
When one thinks about it, “Random destiny” of a “winning lottery number” led me to many of life’s adventurers, including the simple fact that a single hive showed up in my retired years at my exact Naples Florida backyard !!!

Flag day jumping from UH-1H and Loach Helicopters…. That young U.S. Army SP4 on the right and a future beekeeper is somewhere near the restricted airspace surrounding the U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Grounds. That flag above, which long ago flew in Vietnam and, although a little tattered now, is shown below and is proudly displayed at the home of the NaplesBees apiary. Click on the pictures for larger views.
The Random Destiny of the Vietnam War Draft Lottery set this future beekeeper on a life changing course as it did for many. The below book best describes that arbitrary luck of the draw in this nation’s last military draft that ultimately affected many young men’s futures ….some results that were for the bad ….but also many results that were for the good.

Click to go to book details

Click on picture for book details

At last Inauguration day,
January 20, 2025, finally that
“Let’s Go Brandon”
rear window sticker
can be removed !!!

Freedom is NOT Free.
Love America and Live Life FREE