Bee Removals and Swarms – 2019

Hundreds of bee removals from trees/houses/roofs/sheds/water meters/etc have been done over the years. Hive access is sometimes difficult and sometimes easy. Every removal situation is different and always an adventure.  If you have bees that need removing give us a chance to relocate them to a good home in an area hobby beekeeper’s apiary.  Click here to contact NaplesBees for a quick response to your request.  Below is a chronological listing of various past bee removals done over the years.

See 2023 year bee removals here
See 2022 year bee removals here
See 2021 year bee removals here

See 2020 year bee removals here

See 2019 year bee removals here
See 2018 year bee removals here
See 2017 year bee removals here
See 2015-2016 year bee removals here

Removal 49:

3/30/2019 – This hive removal was from a extra large water meter box in Port Royal.  Most of the removed comb was as wide and high as a deep frame because the bees built the comb crosswise in the water meter box.

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Removal 50:

4/1/2019 – This morning, a medium size hive was removed from a large plastic bin located on a trailer stored boat. The bees were very gentle and were placed in our apiary this afternoon.

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Removal 51:

5/28/2019 – A hive was removed from a packed water meter in north Naples. The bees were very gentle..

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Removal 52:

6/8/2019 – A small hive was removed from a water meter in north Naples. We found and captured the gorgeous queen and the bees were very gentle..

Click on any picture for a larger view

Removal 53:

6/12/2019 – A large hive was removed from concrete blocks and then also behind the plywood on the shed wall.

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Removal 54:

6/17/2019 – A small hive was removed from a trash barrel that had some palm fronds in it.  The queen was spotted and captured.

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Removal 55:

6/18/2019 – A small hive was removed from a copper bin that had small holes in the side. The queen was spotted and captured.

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Removal 56:

6/19/2019 – A medium size hive was removed from an extra large water meter box located in Port Royal. The queen was spotted and captured.

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Removal 57:

6/25/2019 – A large hive was removed from a bush located on the side of a house.  Survival may be doubtful as the hive comb was wrapped through many branches and the removal was difficult.

Before After
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Removal 58:

6/27/2019 – A medium size hive was removed from a trellis located above the front door area of a house.  The bees had built comb that had lots of vines growing throughout, making the removal difficult and slow going.

Before removal Before removal
After removal
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Removal 59:

7/18/2019 – A small hive was removed from a water shut off box at a Park Shore home in Naples.

Before removal Before removal
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