Hundreds of bee removals from trees/houses/roofs/sheds/water meters/etc have been done over the years. Hive access is sometimes difficult and sometimes easy. Every removal situation is different and always an adventure. If you have bees that need removing give us a chance to relocate them to a good home in an area hobby beekeeper’s apiary. The NaplesBees apiary owner is licensed by the state of Florida for live bee removal. Not all types of removals, based on access, can be done. Click here to contact NaplesBees for a quick response to any request. Below is a chronological listing of a few of the bee removals done over the years.
1/30/2024 – A small hive from a water meter on 45th Street SW in Golden Gate City was removed this morning. The cool January morning temperatures kept the bees fairly docile. The queen was captured.
2/13/2024 – A very large hive was removed from a big water meter located on Frank Whiteman Blvd in Naples. The meter box was totally filled with bees and comb. All the brood comb was cut out and rubber band mounted on frames, filling about 8 brood box frames. It took a couple hours to clean out the box and vacuum up almost all of the bees.
![]() Another view of the bottom of the top and also showing the thousands of bees on comb broken off and laying in the box. |
3/19/2024 – An owl box very full of bees and their comb was removed. Back at the apiary, the owl box was disassembled and the comb transferred to a brood box.
3/29/2024 – A water meter removal on 8th Avenue North.
![]() Back in the apiary, the bees are set up on a stand and opened up. Normally, the bees will settle down in a few hours. Hopefully they will decide to stay. |
3/29/2024 – Multiple swarms in the apiary appearing. Desirable boxes were placed near some of the swarms, hoping they will enter and set up shop. Time will tell if any of these develop in to productive apiary hives.
![]() Swarm boxes high up on the side wall still attract swarms, this one moving in yesterday evening. Click on picture for a larger view. |
4/2/2024 – A small hive was removed from a water meter on Cypress Woods Drive in Naples.
4/4/2024 – A bird box on a tree that contained a hive was removed at Campbell Circle in North Naples.
4/23/2024 – A small hive was removed from a hedge at the Marriott Residence Inn in Naples, FL. The branch the bees had built comb on was simply cut and placed in the beevac box for transport to the apiary.
4/30/2024 – A hive was removed from a small tree at the rear of a house on Navajo Trail in East Naples. It was difficult removing the comb intact because of the way the comb was built around many branches, but most of it was able to be cut out and rubber band mounted in hive box frames.
5/2/2024 – A very small hive was removed from a water meter on Ossabaw Way in Islandwalk. Although a small hive, their was a very nice looking queen.
5/15/2024 – Yet another small hive was removed from a water meter. This one was at a house on Pepper Tree Lane in Fiddler’s Creek.
8/19/2024 – An abandoned double deep langstroth hive was removed from the Wilderness Country Club golf course. It was relocated to an apiary belonging to one of the BB&G beekeepers.
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8/31/2024 – Another garage side wall trap was brought down and placed in the apiary. Opening the box revealed lots of built comb that needed mounting in frames, filling a brood box. Because of the number of bees, a queen excluder and a super were added to the hive. The bees were very calm and had already stored significant honey in some of the comb, which was placed in the super.
10/15/2024 – A swarm landed on a 66th Street SW driveway. A baited nuc box was placed near the swarm and the bees marched right in. The box is later moved to the NaplesBees apiary.
10/16/2024 – A complete hive and box was removed from a Mission Drive address in Monterey off of Orange Blossom in north Naples. The hive box will be repaired (upside down brood box) and then the hive will take up residence in the NaplesBees apiary.
10/20/2024 – A 5 frame nuc box from 26th Avenue SE was transported to the apiary. It was full of comb and bees and definitely needed more room, so the frames were moved from the nuc in to a 10 frame brood box.
11/9/2024 – A small hive was removed from a deteriorated plywood box. The comb was cut out and rubber band mounted in frames and the new hive box was placed near the original location.
11/23/2024 – A birdhouse box with bees in it was removed and taken to a new beekeepers apiary.
12/1/2024 – A small swarm was removed from a palm tree. After the bees were bee-vaced up, they were transferred to a brood box with a sugar water feeder and placed in the apiary.
12/9/2024 – A couple nuc boxes around the apiary had swarms settle at their entrance holes. If they decide to move in, then it will be the start of new hives.
12/16/2024 – UPDATE…… bees moved in to both boxes and have been observed for the past days coming and going, indicating they intend to stay. The next step is to move the nuc boxes to the apiary and let them grow and eventually they can be moved in to brood size boxes.